I have thought about this blog a lot and it has taken me some time to actually write this one because ultimately for me to make a difference in the world I have to respect and acknowledge every aspect of it. I cannot go into a country and save an animal if people are starving. I cannot stop the mining industry when every aspect of our lives depends on resources taken from mines. And I cannot wish that every species be saved, every habitat be conserved and the need for conservation biology be gone! Our disrespect for all life is slowly being acknowledged in the few that fight for justice, march to be heard and educate to sound the alarm and advocate for change. And it all comes down to respect…

Respect is something we can look at internally, in our immediate family/friend’s circle or something that is more far reaching. From the history already gone to the future that is to come it is one of the most underrated words and actions in the world! Its talked about, it is thrown around, but it is expressed never by some, used very little by others and constantly advocated by a few. In the Oxford Languages dictionary, it explains that its meaning implies that ‘due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others’ and ‘deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements’. However, I think RESPECT is far more than that…

Respect is the acknowledgement that even if you don’t agree with another, you understand their right to think the way they do and the right to voice their opinions.

Respect is the acknowledgement of someone that you may not like but give polite consideration to.

Respect is knowing that even though others are different from yourself everyone is equally the same.

Respect is understanding that all life on earth is entitled to their life on earth.

Respect is listening, even when you don’t want to, to others that are talking to you.

Respect is treating everyone and everything with kindness and love.

Respect is taking the time to be polite, to use manners and say thank you.

Respect is about foregoing self-appreciating entitlements and accepting the truth in every situation.

Respect is the acknowledgement of doing wrong, apologizing and then moving to correct the mistake.

Respect is allowing others to make their own choices.

Disrespect is lying, cheating, abusing or showing contempt to others.

Disrespect is considering others less than you because of social, economic or racial differences.

Disrespect is the degradation of wild places, the manipulation and abuse of wildlife, or the exploitation of natural resources.

Humanity has an extremely disrespectful history throughout its time on earth, and although we know more than we have ever known, and can do more than we have ever done, we are now reaping the rewards of our own demise. We are successfully destroying our home called Earth. We have oppressed people, places and wildlife. We condemn the non-religious or those from other faiths. We enable and support the multibillion-dollar illegal trade in wildlife, timber, drugs, human organs, weapons, blood diamonds, unregistered oil and human trafficking. And we abuse, manipulate and control each other.

How can we move forward without RESPECT? How can we ever make a difference without RESPECT? How can we change for the better without RESPECT? Because ultimately we are all in this together…

Myra Christine

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